Kickboxing for kids has 8 positively shocking benefits

Kickboxing for kids can be practiced as a contact sport, for self-defense, or general fitness.

Kickboxing originated in Japan.  It is a form of martial arts that combines boxing with elements of karate, Western boxing, and Muay Thai. It is a stand-up combative sport that is based on kicking and punching.

It was first to establish in the 1950s, then fully explored in the 1960s when competitions began between several different types of martial arts. These competitions allowed for rule modifications to take place. By 1965, kickboxing competitions began to take place. By the 1970s and 1980s, kickboxing had spread to North America and Europe.

Kickboxing for kids can be beneficial to your children. Not only does it allow kids to be involved in a physically fit and active lifestyle, but it also strives to help them at a basic level.

Featured below are the several benefits children can receive through this type of training.

Physical Fitness 

Any type of sport will encourage a more fit lifestyle. However, it is more physically demanding than most sports. Children will learn to stay active within the classroom through near-constant movement. Furthermore, it discourages the sedentary lifestyle by giving children an enjoyable activity that pushes kids to move and be active.

Kickboxing gloves for kids. Strength

Strength is also increased through Kickboxing for kids. Students are tasked with improving their strength in order to use leverage within matches. Kids also will gain muscle through being more physically fit.


This a major aspect of Kickboxing for kids. Students are expected to clean up after themselves after each training session. By holding them accountable for their actions, they are learning to take responsibility.

Not only that, but students are expected to uphold self-control when sparring with each other. This self-control is also expected to be put to use in matches. With this type of classroom instruction, it is imperative that your child listens. By being in this type of setting, your child’s listening and comprehension skills will improve greatly.

Set and Achieve Goals

The accomplishment system within this sport is featured around colored belts. These belts allow children to strive for a goal. They can achieve these goals by perfecting their stances, moves, and overall physical fitness. By giving them a clear end-goal, it allows children to figure out what they need to concentrate on to achieve it.

Kickboxing for kids at the New York State Fair.

Photo by: Joe Shlabotnik


Within a physically demanding sport, such as this, children will learn to stay determined. Of course, their coaches will help them through this. Kids will learn to keep their goals in mind. By trying to achieve those goals and completing them, children will become more determined as they move up in belts.


Your child’s confidence will increase whenever they meet their goals. Every time they master complex fighting forms and stances, their confidence in themselves will increase. Kickboxing for kids teaches children to have confidence in themselves.


It places a great emphasis on respect. Kids must show respect to their instructors, their peers, and themselves. In matches, students are taught not to battle aggressively and recklessly. They are taught to use leverage, strategy, and conditioning to outmatch their opponent.

Non-violent Conflict Resolution 

This combative sport places great emphasis on avoiding a fight when possible. In fact, like most martial arts, Kickboxing for kids teaches children that there is almost always a peaceful path. It allows kids to learn to control their anger in stressful situations and make positive choices.

The benefits of kickboxing for kids are vast and will help ensure your child’s developmental needs are met. Your child will learn an ample amount of beneficial skills that will separate them from the crowd. Kickboxing will ensure that your child has the skills necessary to be successful in the future.